
Product range


paniculata Lissjudy (Petite® Lantern) PBR EU64406

  • III
  • VII/X
  • -25˚C
  • 80cm
  • 40cm
  • Inedible
Petite® Lantern is a compact growing Hortensia with numerous flowers. It starts flowering in July. The color starts with lime and changes to white and ends with a tremendous dark pink color in October. This Petite® Lantern reaches a height of 80 cm and will be about 40 cm width.
This makes the Petite® Lantern the ultimate landscape plant in any garden, however on it will do great in a decorative pot on the terrace as well! This plant is very heat tolerant as well as very frost resistant. Temperatures like -25 degrees Celsius are no problem at all.


Liss Forest Nurseries

Petersfield Road

GU33 6HA Liss, Hampshire

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


paniculata Lissjudy

(Petite® Lantern) PBR